Rent Literature Textbooks

The Latin roots of the word "literature" mean "acquaintance with letters." If you are reading something that sounds as elegant as that phrase, you're probably reading literature. It is through literature textbooks that we begin to see the world as it was years, decades, or centuries ago. We understand the way 1800s America looked because of the works of Mark Twain. Through Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales," we know that the English of the 14th century enjoyed a dirty joke as much as we do. Although a fine piece of literary art may stay with you forever, you may not want your text books to do the same. When this is the case, consider textbook rental. When you rent textbooks, you make use of them for the duration of your class and then return them. Students who rent literature textbooks never have to worry about the bookstore declining to buy back a book because the professor chose to use a different edition next year. Literature can evoke some of our strongest emotions, but so does saving money.

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Results 1 - 50 of 24,742 Literature Textbook Rentals
Norton Anthology of English Literature, the Major Authors by Greenblatt, Stephen, Christ... ISBN: 9780393919639 List Price: $78.50
The Norton Anthology of English Literature (Ninth Edition) (Vol. 1) by M. H. Abrams ISBN: 9780393912470 List Price: $135.55
History of Seventeenth-Century English Literature by Corns, Thomas N. ISBN: 9781118652527 List Price: $49.95
Concise Companion to Middle English Literature by Corrie, Marilyn ISBN: 9781118652534 List Price: $49.95
The Norton Anthology of English Literature (Ninth Edition) (Vol. D) by Greenblatt, M. H. Abrams ISBN: 9780393912524 List Price: $36.27
The Oxford Anthology of English Literature: Volume IV: Romantic Poetry and Prose (Pt.4) by Lionel Trilling, Harold Bloom ISBN: 9780195016154 List Price: $72.95
Barron's AP English Literature and Composition with CD-ROM, 5th Edition by Ehrenhaft Ed.D., George ISBN: 9781438073866 List Price: $29.99
English Literature and Composition by Casson, Allan ISBN: 9780470607589 List Price: $29.99
An Anthology of Canadian Literature in English by Bennett, Donna, Brown, Russell ISBN: 9780195427813 List Price: $75.00
Literature Without Borders: International Literature in English For Student Writers by George R. Bozzini, Cynthia ... ISBN: 9780130166654 List Price: $133.60
Norton Anthology of English Literature (Volume 2 with Audio CD) by Abrams, M. H., Greenblatt, ... ISBN: 9780393947779 List Price: $62.50
Norton Anthology of English Literature by Abrams, M. H. ISBN: 9780393105445 List Price: $52.55
Cultures of Piety Medieval English Devotional Literature in Translation by Bartlett, Anne C. ISBN: 9780801484551 List Price: $25.95
Norton Anthology of English Literature, Package 2 by Greenblatt, Stephen, Abrams... ISBN: 9780393928341 List Price: $60.00
Adventures in English Literature by RINEHART AND WINSTON HOLT ISBN: 9780030986383 List Price: $127.65
Norton Anthology of English Literature The Major Authors by Dunn, Richard S. ISBN: 9780393090215 List Price: $23.45
Using Young Adult Literature in the English Classroom by Bushman, John H., Haas, Kay... ISBN: 9780131710931 List Price: $77.40
Norton Anthology of English Literature, Package 2 by Greenblatt, Stephen, Abrams... ISBN: 9780393928334 List Price: $60.00
Norton Anthology of English Literature Romantic by Greenblatt, Stephen, Abrams... ISBN: 9780393927207 List Price: $37.50
Medieval English Literature by Trapp, J. B., Gray, Douglas... ISBN: 9780195134926 List Price: $49.95
The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Eighth Edition, Volume 2: The Romantic Period Th... by Greenblatt, Stephen, Abrams... ISBN: 9780393927153 List Price: $82.00
English Literatures of America, 1500-1800 by Jehlen, Myra, Warner, Michael ISBN: 9780415908733 List Price: $55.00
Showing 1 - 50 of 24742 - Browse More Literature Textbook Rentals
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