Rent Art Textbooks

There are people out there who will tell you that art can't be learned from a book, that it must be felt from within. These people tend to create really horrible works of art, because they fail to take note of the lessons that have been learned from centuries of people perfecting the craft. Art textbooks teach the finer points of these lessons. Whether you are learning about art history, discovering how certain works of art reflected the times that they were created in, or studying various techniques of art creation, these text books will help you appreciate art's more subtle influences, which in turn makes you a better artist. When you rent art textbooks, you save money over purchasing them, which allows you to focus on more important things, like supplies and pizza. Art students who rent textbooks are able to return their books once class is over. This makes textbook rental a convenient and affordable way to obtain the art textbooks needed for class without going over budget.

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Results 1 - 50 of 25,965 Art Textbook Rentals
Gardner's Art Through the Ages: A Global History by Fred S. Kleiner ISBN: 9780495915423 List Price: $207.95
Art: A Brief History (5th Edition) by Marilyn Stokstad, Michael C... ISBN: 9780205017027 List Price: $173.80
Art History Volume 1 (5th Edition) by Marilyn Stokstad, Michael C... ISBN: 9780205873487 List Price: $181.20
Gardner's Art through the Ages Vol. 1 : A Global History by Kleiner, Fred S. ISBN: 9781111771577 List Price: $181.95
A History of Western Art by Laurie Adams ISBN: 9780073379227 List Price: $141.41
Art History Volume 2 (5th Edition) by Marilyn Stokstad, Michael C... ISBN: 9780205877577 List Price: $181.20
History of Modern Art by H. H. Arnason, Elizabeth C.... ISBN: 9780205259472 List Price: $149.40
American Art: History and Culture, Revised First Edition by Wayne Craven ISBN: 9780072823295 List Price: $117.23
Art History (5th Edition) by Marilyn Stokstad, Michael C... ISBN: 9780205873470 List Price: $217.00
Maus a Survivors Tale My Father Bleeds History by Spiegelman, Art ISBN: 9780394747231 List Price: $15.95
Gardner's Art through the Ages: A Global History, Volume I by Fred S. Kleiner ISBN: 9781285837840 List Price: $181.95
Gardner's Art Through the Ages: A Global History: 1 by Fred S. Kleiner ISBN: 9781111771584 List Price: $173.95
Nineteenth Century Art: A Critical History (Fourth Edition) by Eisenman, Stephen F., Crow,... ISBN: 9780500288887
Art: A Brief History by Marilyn Stokstad, Michael C... ISBN: 9780133843750 List Price: $173.80
Gardner's Art Through the Ages: A Concise Global History (Book Only) by Fred S. Kleiner ISBN: 9781111840730 List Price: $166.95
History of Art in Africa: Second Edition by Monica Blackmun Visona, Rob... ISBN: 9780136128724 List Price: $150.00
History of Roman Art by Tuck, Steven L. ISBN: 9781444330267 List Price: $64.95
Gardner's Art through the Ages: A Global History, Volume II by Fred S. Kleiner ISBN: 9781285839394 List Price: $181.95
History of Greek Art by Stansbury-o'don ISBN: 9781444350159 List Price: $64.95
History of Roman Art by Tuck, Steven L. ISBN: 9781444330250 List Price: $129.99
Andrea Mantegna : Making Art (History) by Campbell ISBN: 9781118921142 List Price: $39.95
Art: A Brief History (4th Edition) by Stokstad, Marilyn, Cothren,... ISBN: 9780136059097 List Price: $130.60
Native North American Art (Oxford History of Art) by Janet Catherine Berlo, Ruth... ISBN: 9780192842183 List Price: $27.95
History of Greek Art by Stansbury-o'don ISBN: 9781444350142 List Price: $114.95
Janson's History of Art The Western Tradition by Davies, Penelope J. E., Den... ISBN: 9780131934559 List Price: $165.20
Look! Art History Fundamentals (3rd Edition) by Anne D'Alleva ISBN: 9780205768714 List Price: $50.00
Art: A Brief History Plus NEW MyArtsLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package (6th Edition) by Marilyn Stokstad, Michael C... ISBN: 9780134065588 List Price: $178.67
History of Italian Renaissance Art, 7th Edition by Frederick Hartt, David Wilkins ISBN: 9780205705818 List Price: $160.00
Art History, Volume 1 (4th Edition) by Marilyn Stokstad, Michael W... ISBN: 9780205744206 List Price: $174.80
Art History, Volume 2 (4th Edition) by Marilyn Stokstad, Michael W... ISBN: 9780205744213 List Price: $174.80
History of Far Eastern Art (5th Edition) by Sherman Lee ISBN: 9780131830639 List Price: $202.80
Art History Portable Book 1 (5th Edition) by Marilyn Stokstad, Michael C... ISBN: 9780205873760 List Price: $98.00
History of Modern Art by Arnason, H. H., Mansfield, ... ISBN: 9780136062066 List Price: $126.40
Look! The Fundamentals of Art History by D'Alleva, Anne ISBN: 9780131745056 List Price: $38.20
Art History Portables Book 2 (5th Edition) by Marilyn Stokstad, Michael C... ISBN: 9780205873777 List Price: $97.00
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