Diseases Textbooks

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We have hundreds of text books in store that can help you find the information you need on many different diseases. Buy diseases textbooks online now and discover the reason why so many people come to us to buy the text book they require for college. We've divided this section into various sub-sections on various ailments and illnesses, so you can find the best way to get to the discounted and affordable books you want. Look for titles including Will to Live: AIDS Therapies and the Politics of Survival; Cancer in Young Adults: Through Parents' Eyes; Quality of Life from Nursing and Patient Perspectives: Theory, Research and Practice, and Handling the Young Child with Cerebral Palsy at Home. Whatever books you need, you can buy or rent used diseases textbooks from Valore Books for the cheapest prices now. It's the best way to make sure you save as much cash as you can.

Results 1 - 50 of 381 for Diseases Textbooks
Will to Live: AIDS Therapies and the Politics of Survival by Biehl, Joâo, Eskerod, Torben ISBN: 9780691143859 List Price: $27.95
Women Resisting AIDS Feminist Strategies of Empowerment by Schneider, Beth E., Stoller... ISBN: 9781566392693 List Price: $26.95
Conversations With an Alzheimer's Patient An Interactional Sociolinguistic Study by Hamilton, Heidi Ehernberger ISBN: 9780521023184 List Price: $39.99
Handling the Young Child With Cerebral Palsy at Home by Finnie, Nancie R. ISBN: 9780750605793 List Price: $55.95
AIDS and Accusation Haiti and the Geography of Blame by Farmer, Paul ISBN: 9780520083431 List Price: $19.95
Cancer (New Biology) by Panno, Joseph ISBN: 9780816068487 List Price: $40.00
AIDS Social Representations, Social Practices by Aggleton, Peter, Hart, Graham ISBN: 9781850004301 List Price: $160.00
Workable Sisterhood The Political Journey of Stigmatized Women With HIV/Aids by Berger, Michele Tracy ISBN: 9780691127705 List Price: $23.95
Dirty Details The Days and Nights of a Well Spouse by Cohen, Marion Deutsche, Kra... ISBN: 9781566394260 List Price: $23.95
Choosing Unsafe Sex AIDS-Risk Denial Among Disadvantaged Women by Sobo, Elisa J. ISBN: 9780812215533 List Price: $24.95
Last Served? Gendering the HIV Pandemic by Patton, Cindy ISBN: 9780748401901 List Price: $23.95
AIDS Prevention and Treatment Hope, Humor and Healing by Peterson's Magazine Staff, ... ISBN: 9781560320937 List Price: $54.50
Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes Mellitis by Brink, Stuart ISBN: 9780815112334 List Price: $54.95
When a Family Member Has Dementia Steps to Becoming a Resilient Caregiver by McCurry, Susan, Teri, Linda ISBN: 9780275985745 List Price: $39.95
Chronic Heart Failure I Quality of Life II Nitrate Therapy by Viefhues, H., Schoene, W., ... ISBN: 9780387536774 List Price: $69.00
Boundaries of Contagion: How Ethnic Politics Have Shaped Government Responses to AIDS by Lieberman, Evan, Lieberman,... ISBN: 9780691140193 List Price: $24.95
AIDS Readings on a Global Crisis by Bethel, Elizabeth Rauh ISBN: 9780023091926 List Price: $58.60
Diabetes Management Clinical Pathways, Guidelines, and Patient Education by Health and Administration D... ISBN: 9780834217034 List Price: $123.95
Women at Risk Issues in the Primary Prevention of AIDS by O'Leary, Ann, Jemmott, Lore... ISBN: 9780306450419 List Price: $109.00
Quality of Life: From Nursing and Patient Perspectives - Theory, Research, Practice by King, Cynthia R. ISBN: 9780763749439 List Price: $69.95
Evaluating HIV Prevention Interventions by Mantell, Joanne E., DiVitti... ISBN: 9780306454769 List Price: $99.00
Preventing HIV in Developing Countries Biomedical and Behavioral Approaches by Gibney, Laura, DiClemente, ... ISBN: 9780306459610 List Price: $119.00
Social Workers Speak Out on the HIV/AIDS Crisis Voices from and to African American Communities by Gant, Larry M., Stewart, Pa... ISBN: 9780275960940 List Price: $27.95
Sociology of HIV Transmission by Bloor, Michael ISBN: 9780803987494 List Price: $129.00
Journey to Justice A Woman's True Story of Breast Cancer and Medical Malpractice by Chechik, Diane C., Anderson... ISBN: 9780962054907 List Price: $12.95
Conversations With an Alzheimer's Patient An Interactional Sociolinguistic Study by Hamilton, Heidi E. ISBN: 9780521421010 List Price: $95.00
AIDS Alibis Sex, Drugs, and Crime in the Americas by Kane, Stephanie ISBN: 9781566396288 List Price: $26.95
AIDS, Behavior, and Culture : Understanding Evidence-Based Prevention by Green, Edward C., Ruark, Al... ISBN: 9781598744798
Cognitive-Behavioral Stress Management for Individuals Living with HIV: Facilitator Guide by Antoni, Michael H., Ironson... ISBN: 9780195327915 List Price: $37.95
Prevention Possibilities : Bisexual Realities and HIV Educaton in Montreal by Namaste, Viviane ISBN: 9780802097170 List Price: $27.95
Young People With Cancer A Handbook for Parents by Unknown ISBN: 9781568061016 List Price: $20.00
Cardiovascular Patient Education Resource Manual by Gershenson, Terri Ann, Aspe... ISBN: 9780834219656 List Price: $209.00
Cancer The Role of Genes, Lifestyle, and Environment by Panno, Joseph ISBN: 9780816049509 List Price: $35.00
Community Approach to AIDS Intervention Exploring the Miami Outreach Project for Injecting D... by Chitwood, Dale D., Inciardi... ISBN: 9780313273193 List Price: $113.95
AIDS in America by Russell, C. H. ISBN: 9780387974620 List Price: $118.00
Madwives Schizophrenic Women in the 1950's by Warren, Carol A. ISBN: 9780813516899 List Price: $23.95
Social Life And Issues by Vernon, Irene S., Bubar, Ro... ISBN: 9780791079713 List Price: $30.00
Home Care F/client W/alzheimers by Fuzy ISBN: 9780827379336 List Price: $28.95
Changing Face of Aids by Lynch, Vincent J., Fimbres,... ISBN: 9780865692602 List Price: $22.00
Psychotherapy and AIDS The Human Dimension by Wicks, Lucy A. ISBN: 9781560326175 List Price: $115.00
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