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Results 1 - 50 of 168,785 for Political Science Books
Welfare State Reader by Pierson, Christopher, Castl... ISBN: 9780745663692
The United States Constitution by Hennessey, Jonathan, McConn... ISBN: 9780809094707 List Price: $16.95
The Future of Democracy by Bobbio, Norberto, Bellamy, ... ISBN: 9780745603094
Essentials of Social Welfare : Politics and Public Policy by DiNitto, Diana M., Johnson,... ISBN: 9780205011612 List Price: $86.67
Russian Politics An Introduction by Robinson, Neil, Schott, Gareth ISBN: 9780745631370 List Price: $24.94
Russian Politics An Introduction by Robinson, Neil, Gareth, Schott ISBN: 9780745631363 List Price: $59.95
Globalization And the Welfare State by Rhodes ISBN: 9780745622378 List Price: $58.95
State : Past, Present, Future by Jessop, Bob ISBN: 9780745633053
Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide (Vintage) by Kristof, Nicholas D., WuDun... ISBN: 9780307387097 List Price: $15.95
World Is Flat A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century by Friedman, Thomas L. ISBN: 9780312425074 List Price: $16.00
Wisdom Of Crowds by Surowiecki, James ISBN: 9780385721707 List Price: $15.00
The Public Administrator's Companion: A Practical Guide by Emerson, Sandra, Ness, Kath... ISBN: 9780872899094 List Price: $36.95
Making Globalization Work by Stiglitz, Joseph E. ISBN: 9780393330281 List Price: $17.95
Norman Hall's Police Exam Preparation Book by Hall, Norman ISBN: 9781580628426 List Price: $14.95
Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation by Wholey, Joseph S., Hatry, H... ISBN: 9780470522479 List Price: $80.00
An Introduction to Global Studies by Campbell, Patricia, MacKinn... ISBN: 9781405187367 List Price: $49.95
Shadow Party How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the D... by Horowitz, David, Poe, Richard ISBN: 9781595551030 List Price: $14.99
Supreme Court Reborn The Constitutional Revolution in the Age of Roosevelt by Leuchtenburg, William E. ISBN: 9780195111316 List Price: $49.99
Christian Peace and Nonviolence: A Documentary History by Long, Michael G. ISBN: 9781570759222 List Price: $40.00
Black Bolshevik Autobiography of an Afro-American Communist by Haywood, Harry ISBN: 9780930720537 List Price: $16.95
The Conquest of Bread by Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich ISBN: 9780486478500 List Price: $12.95
Reclaiming San Francisco History, Politics, Culture A City Lights Anthology by Brook, James, Carlsson, Chr... ISBN: 9780872863354 List Price: $17.95
State by Jessop ISBN: 9780745633046
Inside Terrorism by Hoffman, Bruce ISBN: 9780231126991 List Price: $24.95
Managerial Discretion in Government Decision Making Beyond the Street Level by Vaughn, Jacqueline, Otenyo,... ISBN: 9780763746568 List Price: $72.95
Public Administration and Public Affairs - Nicholas L. Henry - Hardcover - 3rd ed by Henry, Nicholas L. ISBN: 9780137373055 List Price: $38.00
Practical Ethics in Public Administration, Third Edition by Dean Geuras and Charles Gar... ISBN: 9781567262957 List Price: $42.00
Clued in to Politics: A Critical Thinking Reader in American Government, 3rd Edition by Barbour, Christine, Streb, ... ISBN: 9781604265194 List Price: $52.95
Government and Politics in South Asia by Oberst, Robert C., Kennedy,... ISBN: 9780813343891 List Price: $47.00
20Th-Century South Africa by Beinart, William ISBN: 9780192893185 List Price: $30.00
History of World Trade Since 1450 by MacMillan Reference, McCusk... ISBN: 9780028658407 List Price: $404.00
Macroeconomic Essentials, 3rd Edition: Understanding Economics in the News by Kennedy, Peter ISBN: 9780262514804 List Price: $45.00
Labor Relations by Sloane, Arthur A., Witney, ... ISBN: 9780131962231 List Price: $196.00
The Wobbling Pivot, China since 1800: An Interpretive History by Crossley, Crossley, Pamela ... ISBN: 9781405160803 List Price: $34.95
Federalist Papers by Hamilton, Alexander, Madiso... ISBN: 9780451528810 List Price: $7.95
Managing Urban America by Morgan, David R., England, ... ISBN: 9781608716722 List Price: $63.95
Generation Divided The New Left, the New Right, and the 1960s by Klatch, Rebecca E. ISBN: 9780520217140 List Price: $31.95
Voices in the Juvenile Justice System by Bartollas, Clemens, Miller,... ISBN: 9780132257008 List Price: $16.60
The Samaritan's Dilemma: Should Government Help Your Neighbor? by Stone, Deborah ISBN: 9781568583549 List Price: $25.95
Faces of Poverty Portraits of Women and Children on Welfare by Berrick, Jill D. ISBN: 9780195113754 List Price: $39.99
Death Penalty Cases : Leading U. S. Supreme Court Cases on Capital Punishment by Latzer, Barry, McCord, David ISBN: 9780123820242 List Price: $44.95
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