Iliad of Homer by Samuel Butler (Knowledge Management Edition)

Iliad of Homer by Samuel Butler (Knowledge Management Edition)
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  • ISBN-13: 9781411659544
  • ISBN: 1411659546
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Publisher: Lulu Enterprises Inc.


Pérezgonzález, Jose D.


If you are contemplating buying The Iliad, sure that you know what the book is about. Thus, why buying a Knowledge Management Edition instead of a normal one? There are several reasons, among them saving time -you do not have much time to read, or you have to read it aloud to youngsters or elders-, catching up quickly with its contents -for a second reading, for catching up with classic literature, before watching the film-, of having two versions in one -for english students with different levels of proficiency; etc.Pérezgonzález, Jose D. is the author of 'Iliad of Homer by Samuel Butler (Knowledge Management Edition)', published 2005 under ISBN 9781411659544 and ISBN 1411659546.

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