Novle Books Reviews and Ratings

Novle Books

Seller rating: (-7) 0% *
Seller since January 2017
Seller Info
  • Ships From
  • New York, NY
  • Shipping Method
  • Standard
Seller Statistics
Positive Feedback (all-time) Order Confirmation Rate
0% 83%

Novle Books Ratings & Buyer Feedback

Buyer Name
Buyer's School
Ella V

I never received this item, and had to get my money back. They were good about giving my money back but had to go through a 3 day step. I wouldn’t buy this item on here.

Kasandra T
Amy P

Never received item. Seller won't respond to my emails

Lisa C

Never received the book. Seller refunded my money.

MaKayla E

Terrible Experience. Would not recommend. I ordered a book and had to wait 21 days to hear back about why I had not received it. Very unprofessional.

Zachary K

Never received this!

Haley R
Gregory R

Never received the book. I sent 5 emails to the seller and never got a response. I did receive a full refund but only after having to buy the book at full price from the college bookstore.

*This is the seller's all-time positive feedback score, calculated by the number of positive ratings / (positives + negatives)