Showing 1 - 25 of 330 Results
Laurence Chaderton, First Master Of Emmanuel: Richard Farmer, Master Of Emmanuel, An Essay (... by Shuckburgh, Evelyn Shirley ISBN: 9781165409143 List Price: $13.56
Short History of the Greeks from the Earliest Times to B C 146 by Shuckburgh, Evelyn Shirley ISBN: 9781177820080 List Price: $36.75
Herodotus; 8, 1-90 : Artemisium and Salamis. with introd. and notes by E. S. Shuckburgh by Herodotus, Shuckburgh, Evel... ISBN: 9781176659773 List Price: $24.75
Herodotus; 8, 1-90 : Artemisium and Salamis. with introd. and notes by E. S. Shuckburgh by Herodotus, Shuckburgh, Evel... ISBN: 9781176659926 List Price: $24.75
Hauton Timorumenos with Introd and Notes [and Translation] by E S Shuckburgh by Terence, Terence, Shuckburg... ISBN: 9781176667891 List Price: $25.75
Herodotus; 9, 1-89 : Plataea. with introd. and notes by E. S. Shuckburgh by Herodotus, Shuckburgh, Evel... ISBN: 9781177196376 List Price: $26.75
History of Rome to the Battle of Actium by Shuckburgh, Evelyn Shirley ISBN: 9781174092169 List Price: $56.75
History of Rome to the Battle of Actium by Shuckburgh, Evelyn Shirley ISBN: 9781174356520 List Price: $57.75
Epistles of Horace Book I : With Introduction and Notes by Horace, Shuckburgh, Evelyn ... ISBN: 9781107683747 List Price: $23.99
Gallic War, Book II; by Shuckburgh, Evelyn Shirley,... ISBN: 9781178725506 List Price: $20.75
Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero : With His Treatises on Friendship and Old Age by Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Shu... ISBN: 9781340990985 List Price: $29.95
The Letters of Cicero: B.C. 68-52 by Marcus Tullius Cicero, Evel... ISBN: 9781297881671 List Price: $29.95
Laelius: A Dialogue On Friendship by Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Shu... ISBN: 9781144291936 List Price: $26.75
Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero: With His Treatises On Friendship and Old Age by Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Mel... ISBN: 9781144947420 List Price: $37.75
Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero: With His Treatises On Friendship and Old Age by Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Mel... ISBN: 9781141962310 List Price: $37.75
Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero: With His Treatises On Friendship and Old Age by Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Mel... ISBN: 9781145059603 List Price: $35.75
The Histories of Polybius, Volume 2 by Shuckburgh, Evelyn Shirley,... ISBN: 9781143681219 List Price: $45.75
Orationes XVI by Shuckburgh, Evelyn Shirley,... ISBN: 9781142035815 List Price: $36.75
A History of Rome to the Battle of Actium by Shuckburgh, Evelyn Shirley ISBN: 9781459020528 List Price: $68.84
Herodotus VIII 1-90: (Artemisium and Salamis) by Shuckburgh, Evelyn Shirley,... ISBN: 9781145167407 List Price: $25.75
The Roman System of Provincial Administration to the Accession of Constantine the Great by Shuckburgh, Evelyn Shirley,... ISBN: 9781145176164 List Price: $29.75
Augustus; The Life and Times of the Founder of the Roman Empire [b.c. 63-A.d. 14] by Shuckburgh, Evelyn Shirley ISBN: 9781150336102 List Price: $15.89
Emmanuel College by Shuckburgh, Evelyn Shirley ISBN: 9781459047570 List Price: $16.98
Greece: From the Coming of the Hellenes to A, Part 14 by Shuckburgh, Evelyn Shirley ISBN: 9781141918911 List Price: $36.75
Two Biographies of William Bedell, Bishop of Kilmore, With a Selection of His Letters and an... by Shuckburgh, Evelyn Shirley ISBN: 9781152090057 List Price: $34.18
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