Affiliate Program
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Become a ValoreBooks affiliate partner and earn money promoting college textbooks. Join Now For Free!
- Earn up to 7.5% commission on rentals, sales, and buybacks.
- Extensive creative inventory including banners, coupons, iframes, deep links, and widgets.
- Access to detailed reporting on your traffic, sales and earnings.
- Fully customizable product data feed available to meet your needs.
- Product API
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Since 2002, ValoreBooks has been the leading and most trusted marketplace among college students and is currently the home of over 30,000 sellers. We welcome you to join our affiliate program and start earning today. To begin promoting, register to become an affiliate, use our affiliate tools to promote, and you start earning today. To learn more, read our FAQ or feel free to contact us.
How The Affiliate Program Works
Register Today
Getting started is fast, easy and free. Once you have completed the required steps, you will be ready to start making money.
Large Selection of Quality Books at Low Prices
ValoreBooks has over 100 million books from thousands of quality sellers nation-wide at some of the lowest prices on the internet.
Free Affiliate Manager
Once registered, ValoreBooks will provide you with a dedicated account manager. Unlimited tech assistance is also available to all of our Affiliates.
No Risk
It does not cost anything to become a ValoreBooks Affiliate.
Refer Customers
Drive customers to the marketplace by utilizing a wide variety of Affiliate Tools and Assets available.
Select From A Variety Of Affiliate Tools And Choose The Ones That Work Best For Your Website:
- Banners
- Custom Email
- Coupons
- IFrames
- Landing Page links
- Product Search Widgets
- Product API
Get Paid
Affiliates are paid up to 7.5% commission on rentals, sales and buyback that are generated on the marketplace.